Much of this journal is illegible due to water damage. Illegible sections have been cut out and represented by ellipses.

I brought Rust his usual breakfast and I could tell he was mad as heck because he does that one thing where he makes that clicking sound with his tongue. He took the hard boiled egg from the serving plate and threw it against the door and the dog started barking and I had to shush him because he just sat there with his head in his hands as still as a stone and then the dog started eating the egg. I asked what was wrong and he said everything is gone. Empty. Drained. We are done. He just kept saying shit like…

told me to take down a letter but my hand was still sore from sleeping on it weird the other night because I had to share the bed with Ma while they finished up cleaning up her room from the last invasion so I had to keep asking him to repeat sentences and phrases because I couldn’t keep up with his dictation and then he yell…

unpleasant name and then I started to cry but then he started to apologize which was nice he was always nice to me. Rust is nicer to me than Marcus ever was. Anyways Rust said he will write the letter and then he did and then he gave it to me and I saw he addressed it directly the Wranjers and I didn’t…

not want to go all the way to the mines especially since it was just invaded and he said the fate of RR was in my hands and all I had to do was make sure it makes its way to Wranjer HQ and it was too important to trust with anyone else other than me and that made me feel important Marcus never made me feel needed so I am on my way to the Mine because I love my town. Tonight I am going to cook an egg soup with Ma…