Messidor 29:

Deposit on Level 5 continues to be worked. Estimates put it at 50% complete. Brunfield out 3 weeks due to back injury. Pending the hiring of a temporary replacement. Surveying Level 10 continues to be unsuccessful.

Messidor 30:

Surveyors discover the biggest ore deposit we have seen in Decades on Level 10. The dimensions are hypothesized to be inconclusive based on the current read outs. Expecting a new shipment of Drilling equipment early tomorrow to being extraction. Brunfield’s son hired to replace his father while he recovers from his back injury. Shots fired in Level 3. Witnesses say a laser blaster left leaning against a support beam fell over due to vibrations and fired a single round hitting the roof of the level. No damage and no injuries resulted. The security officer registered to the blaster was on the surface using the facilities. Report sent to Sl33k Wranjer, pending response before issuing disciplinary action.

Thermidor 1:

Newly Discovered Ore Deposit has been named “The Behemoth” by the crew, which I will use from now on in the record.

Work on The Behemoth has begun but has to be cut short. Power supply to the new line of drills needs to be replaced.

Faetherwatch transport for the processed gold never arrived today. Transport vehicles have an “unfixable mechanical problem”. This is the 3rd time in the last month. Request sent for meeting with Faetherwatcher officials to discuss this issue. No more storage space in foundry to store finished gold. Wranjer crew enlisted to store gold in their station.

Thermidor 2:

The Swarm returned. Proper procedures followed. Swarm broke through the blast door at the entrance to the shaft. Personnel describe the invasion as much larger than usual. After the invasion finished, ALL ore deposits completely cleared. I shit you not. The Behemoth is completely gone. Level 10 hallowed out. Entire mine was evacuated for fear of collapse. Level 10 now just a giant gaping hole. Measurements to be taken when it is deemed safe to do so.

One Casualty during the invasion. Young Bill Brunfield died from head injuries while trying to find cover. Flowers sent to Brunfield household.